A new world for pensions from April 2015

You may have noticed that the subject of pensions has been making an increased appearance in the news. Especially around what your retirement options may be from April 2015.

This week, the Kingfisher Pensions Team are sending a newsletter to all active and deferred members of the Scheme who are above the age of 50. The newsletter has been put together to help members understand these changes, and as a member of the Scheme what it means to them. The topics the newsletter will be covering are:

  • The new pensions flexibility retirement options from April 2015;
  • Pension Wise – Free Retirement Guidance;
  • Other pension changes coming into effect from April 2015;
  • A change to the default investment fund for KPS-MP members;
  • Changes to member’s Selected Retirement Ages; and
  • Some other pieces of useful information.

There are two changes that as members of the Kingfisher Pension Scheme – Money Purchase section (the Scheme employees are currently contributing to) which may be of interest to those members who will not receive a copy in the post. There will be further information regarding these specific changes on the Trustee website in due course.

If you are a member who does not fall in the catchment group, and would like to read the newsletter please click here to view it online.

If you have any question or would like a copy of the communication sent to you please do not hesitate to contact us.