Pensions News

KPS-MP Pension Benefit Statements 2018

23rd July 2018

We are pleased to announce that Legal & General have issued Scheme Benefit Statements to all active and deferred members in the Money Purchase section.

The statements provide members with important information about their benefits in the Scheme.  If members have elected paperless communications, they will receive an email advising that the statement is online otherwise members will receive their statement by post.

If members have any queries about their statement, they can call the Legal & General helpline on 0345 026 4179 - open between the hours of 8.30 am and 7.00 pm Monday to Friday and 9.00 am to 12.00 pm Saturday.

If you have benefits in the Final Salary section of the Scheme your Benefits Statement will be issued by Group Pensions later in the year in September/October time.