Prudential's 2014 With-Bonus Declaration

Over the year to 31/12/13, the investment performance of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited (PAC) With-Profits Fund has been strong at 8.7% (net of tax) and 10.3% (gross of tax). These figures are before your plan charges and the effects of smoothing.

Prudential are pleased to announce that total bonus rates are being maintained or increased for most with-profits customers. They have confirmed that they have continued to pay fair bonuses based on what the Fund has achieved and are delighted to be able to continue paying competitive bonus levels to their with-profits customers.

Please note past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The rate of future bonuses cannot be guaranteed.

Prudential’s Chief Actuary David Belsham has said “This is another good year for our with-profits policyholders as we continue to demonstrate that investing in a strong with-profits fund can produce good returns for the cautious investor.”

“Our Fund has consistently outperformed the market over the long-term and has given our customers better returns than many other investment options that are available. While we have seen some stabilisation of markets over the last 12 months, the outlook continues to be uncertain and interest rates remain at historically low levels. Our fair and consistent approach to setting bonus rates combined with a prudent investment philosophy has enabled us to deliver strong annualised returns for our customers over the medium to long-term, year after year.

“The Prudential With-Profits Fund is one of the largest and financially strongest in the UK. This not only provides us with the flexibility to take advantage of any investment opportunities presented by the market but gives customers, who are looking to protect themselves against the full impact of volatile market conditions, the confidence of knowing that their savings are invested in a financially strong, well-managed with-profits fund.”

Further information

For the latest Prudential With-Profits Fund’s fund factsheet please click here.

Or to listen to Prudential’s Matthew Williams, Director of Portfoilio Management, and Mathew Ford – Business Development Actuary provide a review of 2013 and outlook for 2014 please click here.