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- Welcome to the Kingfisher Pension Scheme Website
- News
- Pension scams - be scam aware
- Pay your pension some attention
- Retirement Living Standards
- Get ready for Pension Awareness Week 2024 (September 9th-13th)
- Could you be our next Pension Scheme Member Nominated Trustee?
- Are you a member of KPS Final Salary Section or a linked member?
- Pension Benefit Statements 2018
- Pension Benefit Statements 2018
- 2018 Summary Funding Statement
- KPS-MP Pension Benefit Statements 2018
- KPS-FS Pensioner Communication
- Kingfisher Pension Scheme's Data Privacy Statement
- KPS-MP: Changes to how you save for your retirement
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 October 2017?
- Pension Benefit Statements 2017
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 September 2017?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 August 2017
- 2017 Summary Funding Statement
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 July 2017?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 June 2017?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 May 2017?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 April 2017?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 March 2017?
- KPS-FS Pensioner Communication
- Were you automatically enrolled on 28 February 2017?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 January 2017?
- Individual Protection 2014 Reminder
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 December 2016?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 November 2016?
- Do you need help understanding pensions?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 October 2016?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 September 2016?
- KPS-FS Valuation 2016 Update
- Will you be automatically enrolled on 31 August 2016?
- Will you be automatically enrolled on 31 July 2016?
- Annual Stewardship Report 2015
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 June 2016?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 May 2016?
- Were you Automatically enrolled on 30 April 2016?
- KPS-FS Pensioner Communication
- Were you automatically (re-)enrolled on 31 March 2016?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 29 February 2016?
- April 2016 Pension Tax Changes
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 January 2016?
- Will you be automatically enrolled on 31 December 2015?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 November 2015?
- Will you be automatically enrolled on 31 October 2015?
- Pension Awards Wins
- Government launches 'state pension top up’ scheme
- 2015 Benefit Statement is on its way
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 September 2015?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 August 2015?
- 2015 Summary Funding Statement
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 July 2015?
- Stewardship Report
- Pension Award Wins
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 June 2015?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 May 2015?
- Zurich Benefit Statements
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 April 2015?
- KPS-FS Pensioner Communications
- Will you be automatically enrolled on 31 March 2015?
- Award win!!
- KPS-FS Scheme Factor Review
- A new world for pensions from April 2015
- Were you automatically enrolled on 28 February 2015?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 January 2015?
- New Actuarial Appointment
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 December 2014?
- 2014 Summary Funding Statement
- A little message from the Trustees and the Bolt family to wish all our members a very Merry Christmas and fantastic New Year!
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 November 2014?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 October 2014?
- Changes to a KPS-MP Investment fund
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 September 2014?
- Your 2014 Benefit Statement is on its way
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 August 2014?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 July 2014?
- Budget 2014
- Awards 2014
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 June 2014?
- 2013 Valuation KPS-FS Update
- Budget 2014 Changes
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 May 2014?
- Final Salary Pensioners
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 April 2014?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 March 2014?
- KPS-FS Pensioner Communications
- Budget 2014
- Prudential's 2014 With-Bonus Declaration
- Final Salary Pensioners
- Reduced minimum purchase price for Enhanced Annuities
- Were you automatically enrolled on 28 February 2014?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 January 2014?
- Changes to tax relief for pension savings
- Retirement Income Bulletin
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 December 2013?
- Pension Scheme Charges
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 November 2013?
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 October 2013?
- Saving for Your Future
- Benefit Statements 2013
- Retirement News Bulletin
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 September 2013
- KPS-FS AVC Prudential with Profits
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 July 2013?
- New Trustee Director
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 June 2013?
- KRT Member News
- Were you automatically enrolled on 31 May 2013?
- Member Trace
- Were you automatically enrolled on 30 April 2013?
- 2013 Benefit Statements
- Retirement News Bulletin
- Automatic Enrolment - Zurich Welcome Packs
- KPS-FS Pension Increase
- Beware: Pensions Liberation
- KPS-MP Online
- Reminder: AVCs
- Automatic Enrolment Video
- Website Update
- Automatic Enrolment Announcements
- SMART Pensions - Revision
- New look KPS website goes live
- Pension Quality Mark Plus Award
- Automatic Enrolment is Coming!!!
- KPS Pension Reforms Proposed
- KPS Pension Reforms Agreed
- KPS Pension Reforms - Trustee Announcement
- Trustee Board Update
- New scheme to rival NEST
- State pension age rising faster?
- State pension age
- A step forward
- All change please!
- 2010 valuation update